Google’s New Age Based Setting
If you manage a Google domain for a primary and/or secondary education institution, you have been seeing notifications that certain Google services will be restricted for users under the age of 18 beginning on 1 September 2021.
Administrators need to identify users in their organization who are 18 years of age and older by that date or users will lose access to certain services.
The age-based access setting applies to the top-level organization so not acting on this will impact everyone in the organisation. However, you can identify users, such as teachers and staff, as over or under the age of 18 by putting them in an organizational unit or access group and setting the correct age level. Go to Customize the setting for your organization if you would like help. While you are in there, be sure those Adult OUs are also opted into Additional Services without individual control.
Since this new change impacts Higher Education institutions differently check that you set the correct organization type in your Google Admin console correctly.
For more information and instructions, check out this Help Center article: or contact us.